Kamila and Eric were married yesterday.


Coincidentally, they were married in the church that was our parish years ago.

We always remember Raf playing the Our Father song on his violin from this podium.

This photo shows Nick escorting Ursula to her seat.


The bridesmaids arrive, including Maid of Honor, sister Margaret.

Ted gives Kamila away.

Ted and Ursula after the ceremony.

The The receiving line.


At the reception hall, after Eric and Kamila arrived by coach, Ted prepares Nick and Kasha's daughter Monica (his granddaughter) for a ride.

Ice sculptures, and hors d'oeuvres from Eric's associates at the culinary institute.


Here we are with Jen and Greg, and Julie and Raf.

Kamila with friends at our table.

The wedding was so elegant!. Here's one of the culinary delights. Salad wrapped in a cucumber dish.


Best wishes for a happy lifetime together Eric and Kamila.

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