Brian and Joanne's wedding from Pete's perspective.


Here's the beach house where we stayed.

Gretchen, Emma and Morgan at that beach.


Before he even arrived at the wedding, Ryan helped restore this house in Mississippi from Katrina damage.



Here he is at the reception with Liz and Dan.

Ryan and I read at the wedding. I took no pictures during the ceremony.


At the reception.

The happy couple Brian and Joanne.


Proud parents Manfred and Sue.



Anita and Alexander flew down from Idaho for the occasion.

Manfred's brother Harro and son Eric at our table.


Landon takes a picture of me while I take a picture of him while he takes a picture of me while I take a...


Gretchen, Justin and Landon.


Joanne and her Dad.


The next day they opened presents at Sue and Manfred's house.

Sue keeps track of who to thank !

The two Navy Veterans 35 years later.


Sue took us to the Navy Base where she and Mary used to work.

We saw the Naval Air Museum and the Imax movie about Katrina.


Mary took this nice picture of our week long house mates on the nearby shore.

Dan and I had a great round of golf together too.


When Dan and Justin and I went deer hunting, I stared into this view for 2 hours.

What a great taxidermy shop we visited first.

Unbelievable African game, too magnificent to photo.


Later in the week, Manfred showed Dan and me where he works.

In the hanger where Manfred maintains the Navy helicopters.




The instrument panel he oversees.


The exposed transmission to the back rotor under repair.


Here's Manfred's other responsibility.  Maintaining the local police choppers too.

Thanks Manfred for showing me the cool stuff you work with!



From RD this month:

Teacher: "There are two words I don't allow in my class.  One is gross, and the other is cool."

Johnny: "So, what are the words?"


We also were able to maintain our subdivision property, and sell a lot to a nice young family that Justin knows.


Thanks to all, and especially Sue and Manfred for hosting such a nice Wedding Week.




back to 1/28/07