Best E-mails of the Week 9/23/01

Continuing with last week's tragedy, the emails range from cleverness, to worldwide support, to religion and defiance.

Cleverness thanks to Dr. Seuss:
>> Every U down in Uville liked U.S. a lot,
>> But the Binch, who lived Far East of Uville, did not.
>> The Binch hated U.S! the whole U.S. way!
>> Now don't ask me why, for nobody can say,
>> It could be his turban was screwed on too tight.
>> Or the sun from the desert had beaten too bright
>> But I think that the most likely reason of all
>> May have been that his heart was two sizes too small.
>> But, Whatever the reason, his heart or his turban,
>> He stood facing Uville, the part that was urban.
>> "They're doing their business," he snarled from his perch.
>> "They're raising their families! They're going to church!
>> They're leading the world, and their empire is thriving,
>> I MUST keep the S's and U's from surviving!"
>> Tomorrow, he knew, all the U's and the S's,
>> Would put on their pants and their shirts and their dresses,
>> They'd go to their offices, playgrounds and schools,
>> And abide by their U and S values and rules,
>> And then they'd do something he liked least of all,
>> Every U down in U-ville, the tall and the small,
>> Would stand all united, each U and each S,
>> And they'd sing Uville's anthem, "God bless us! God bless!"
>> All around their Twin Towers of Uville, they'd stand,
>> and their voices would drown every sound in the land.
>> "I must stop that singing," Binch said with a smirk,
>> And he had an idea--an idea that might work!
>> The Binch stole some U airplanes in U morning hours,
>> And crashed them right into the Uville Twin Towers.
>> "They'll wake to disaster!" he snickered, so sour,
>> "And how can they sing when they can't find a tower?"
>> The Binch cocked his ear as they woke from their sleeping,
>> All set to enjoy their U-wailing and weeping,
>> Instead he heard something that started quite low,
>> And it built up quite slow, but it started to grow--
>> And the Binch heard the most unpredictable thing...
>> And he couldn't believe it--they started to sing!
>> He stared down at U-ville, not trusting his eyes,
>> What he saw was a shocking, disgusting surprise!
>> Every U down in U-ville, the tall and the small,
>> Was singing! Without any towers at all!
>> He HADN'T stopped U-Ville from singing! It sung!
>> For down deep in the hearts of the old and the young,
>> Those Twin Towers were standing, called Hope and called Pride,
>> And you can't smash the towers we hold deep inside.
>> So we circle the sites where our heroes did fall,
>> With a hand in each hand of the tall and the small,
>> And we mourn for our losses while knowing we'll cope,
>> For we still have inside that U-Pride and U-Hope.
>> For America means a bit more than tall towers,
>> It means more than wealth or political powers,
>> It's more than our enemies ever could guess,
>> So may God bless America! Bless us! God bless!

America's tragedy is felt by all the world
Pictures of countries around the world placing flowers at US embassies

What a difference a day makes!
On Monday we emailed jokes.
On Tuesday we did not.
On Monday we thought that we were secure. On Tuesday we learned better.
On Monday we were talking about heroes as being athletes. On Tuesday we
learned who our heroes are.
On Monday we were irritated that our rebate checks had not arrived. On
Tuesday we gave money away to people we had never met.
On Monday there were people fighting against praying in schools. On
Tuesday you would have been hard pressed to find a school where someone
was not praying.
On Monday people argued with their kids about picking up their room. On
Tuesday the same people could not get home fast enough to hug their
On Monday people were upset that they had to wait 6 minutes in a fast
food drive through line.
On Tuesday people didn't care about waiting up to 6 hours to give blood
for the dying.
On Monday we waved our flags signifying our cultural diversity. On
Tuesday we waved only the American flag.
On Monday there were people trying to separate each other by race, sex,
color and creed.
On Tuesday they were all holding hands.
On Monday we were men or women, black or white, old or young, rich or
poor, gay or straight, Christian or non-Christian. On Tuesday we were
On Monday politicians argued about budget surpluses. On Tuesday, grief
stricken, they sang 'God Bless America'.
On Monday the President was going to Florida to read to children. On
Tuesday he returned to Washington to protect our children.
On Monday we had families. On Tuesday we had orphans.
On Monday people went to work as usual. On Tuesday they died.
On Monday people were fighting the 10 commandments on government
property. On Tuesday the same people all said 'God help us all' while
thinking 'Thou shall not kill'.
It is sadly ironic how it takes horrific events to place things
into perspective, but it has.
The lessons learned this week, the things we have taken for granted, the
things that have been forgotten or overlooked, hopefully will never be forgotten again.


We (like you) had a wonderful ecumenical service in Ridgefield with representatives of many religions praying together at our high school. Here's a religious email:

I have in my hands two boxes which God gave me to hold. He said, "Put all your sorrows in the black box. And all your joys in the gold." I heeded His words, and in the two boxes both my joys and sorrows I stored. But though the gold box became heavier each day, the black was as light as before. With curiosity, I opened the black box. I wanted to find out why, and I saw in the base of the box, a hole.
Which my sorrows had fallen out by. I showed the hole to God, and mused, "I wonder where my sorrows could be?" He smiled a gentle smile and said, "My child, they're all here with me." I asked God "Why he game me the boxes. Why the gold and the black with the hole?" "My child, the gold is for you to count your blessings, the black is for you to let go."
We should consider all of our friends a blessing. Send this to a friend today, just to let them know you are thinking of them and that they are a joy in your life. A ball is a circle, no beginning, no end. It keeps us together like our Circle of Friends.
But the treasure inside for you to see is the treasure of friendship you've granted to me. Today I pass the friendship ball to you, pass it on to someone who is a friend to you.

Last week's emails need some important corrections. First of all, newspapers reported that the Nostradamas predictions were entirely fabricated. (But they must be true - after all they were on the internet! :)
Second, the gallery of pictures was circulated again without the photos of victims jumping from the towers. I apologize for not editing them out, but I could not edit that gallery. I see that Newsweek did print such a photo, and my description as "sensational" was.
The best story of the Pennsylvania plane crash that saved the Capital Building was deflated a little when armed forces announced that scrambled fighters were prepared to take that plane out if the gallent passengers didn't. And the 6 firefighters surviving in an SUV for two days also had some glitches.
The corrections department regrets these mistakes and appreciates readers who gratiously bring them to our attention.

Here are two defiance pictures:

We thought the new WTC should send the world a message !!!


As we enter week three, I see that the body count and the Dow Jones Industrial Average are on a collision course. Please God, halt the number of deaths to where they are now!
