Only 3 % of CO2 yearly uptake to the atmosphere is produced by humans.



From Financial times last week, 84.7 % of Federal stimulus money for wind power went overseas, mostly to Spain where they make turbines and blades.

Hi Peter,
 It was very interesting and I passed it on to a few people who are trying to prevent the "Green Zealots" from putting a 400' high Windmill in the middle of the Cape Cod National Seashore about 3000' from the water in a pristine forest area. Just crazy stuff.
 They foundation for this monster will be in a hole about 30-40' wide and 30' deep and use 1,500,000 lbs. of concrete. At least that is what I have been told. One of the problems in Wellfleet is the water table is a balance between fresh and salt water and some feel this type of structure might have an adverse effect on the water supply. Have you ever run into problems like that or do you know where I could go to get additional info?
 Do you and Mary want any apples or some fresh Wellfleet oysters?


All that concrete production energy to make a wind turbine?

I thought only solar panels used more energy to make than they will generate in their lifetime.

Also from Ed:


I learned in my 43 years as a university professor it is almost impossible to educate people who refuse to be educated. Those who continue to believe carbon-dioxide emissions are responsible for global warming fall into this class.

There are definite, scientifically tested facts available to anyone who wishes to learn them that conclusive­ly prove CO2 cannot be responsible for warming or cooling. I recently saw a picture in a newspaper of a group of well-intentioned souls who believe if atmospheric CO2 is re­duced to 350 parts per million, this somehow will have a positive effect on climate. Where do people come up with these ideas? I think they’re making it up as they go along.

So let me again try to educate your readers. The ability to be a green­house gas is similar to the ability of something to have a color. To have a color, an object must absorb visible light at specific wavelengths. The in­tensity of color depends on how much light at those wavelengths is available and absorbed. In dim light, color is not very intense. In the dark, there is no color.

The same thing is true for green­house gases. To be effective, CO2 must absorb light at very specific wavelengths. In this case, the light falls in the infrared (heat) region of the spectrum rather than the visible region. CO2 does not absorb visible light. It is a colorless gas.

Earth is a relatively cool planet as planets go. There is not a lot of in­frared radiation available at CO2’s favorite wavelengths. Scientific stud­ies show conclusively that by the time the CO2 level in the Earth’s at­mosphere reaches around 250 ppm, it has absorbed pretty much all the radiation that is available at its fa­vorite wavelengths. The sun will not produce more radiation at these wavelengths just because CO2 has absorbed it all. Consequently, in­creasing the CO2 level in the atmos­phere to 350 ppm or 500 ppm or even 3,000 ppm will have no greenhouse­gas effect on global temperature.

That is an undisputed fact.

This is why in the past, CO2 levels in our atmosphere have been as high as 3,000 ppm and global temperature was the same as it is today. Once the level reaches 200 to 250 ppm, the greenhouse-gas correlation between global temperature and CO2 levels disappears. At that point, the solubil­ity of CO2 in water correlation with the temperature of the water takes over. Ocean temperature controls at­mospheric CO2, not burning fossil fuels.

There recently have been a num­ber of letters to this newspaper in which people have cited as experts the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). You should know more than 70 percent of the mem­bers of the IPCC are not trained sci­entists. The chairman was a railroad engineer, and the president is an economist. Of those IPCC members who are trained scientists, my guess is not many, if any, are trained in at­mospheric physical chemistry. If they were, they would be well aware of the information I cited above.

If a person tells you he is an expert at fixing automobiles, but only has a vague idea of how an internal-com­bustion engine works, you would question his expertise. So be careful whom you consider to be experts in the chemistry of the atmosphere.

James R. B


The writer is a retired professor of physical chemistry



Another weather station measuring earth's temperature compared to the past.

This time in a Tucson parking lot. Surprise that its warmer near the blacktop!




40% believe climate change is caused by humans:



A 2 year old article about 3%


I can't find the article claiming IPCC spent $6 billion vs, opponents at $16 million.


So I endorse energy efficiency and conservation heavily, but to save money,

stop money from going to OPEC, and for cleaner air and water.

But not because I believe we are causing global warming.



back to 11/15/09