Best E-mails of the Week August 20, 2006










Known as the Red Planet, it’s about to appear in spectacular fashion!


So mark your calendar to watch throughout the month of August, but especially


August 27, 2006



This month and next, Earth will catch up with Mars in an encounter that will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in recorded history.


Due to the way Jupiter's gravity tugs on Mars and disturbs its orbit, astronomers can only be certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the Last 5,000 years. But it may be as long as 60,000 years before it happens again.




Mars will be easy to spot. It will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye.






Haven't seen it thus far. Have you?














Our radio station had a story about the remote control button to open your car door.


It seems an email is circulating claiming that a man who locked his keys in his car 100 miles from home, called his wife on his cell phone.


She used the spare set of keys remote, and clicked it into her phone.


He pointed his phone at the door, and it opened !


We tried this unsuccessfully.


There's no way that remote emits a high frequency sound that can pass through a phone, right?







Here are tomatoes from my garden.





Here's what someone else opened up, and perhaps touched up with Photo Shop software.











So Mr. Skeptic that I am reports 3 stories


Mars as big as the moon?


Open car door through cell phone?


Angel in tomato?


You decide.









New Postcards for Florida!













But what happened to the predictions about a worse season with more hurricanes this year?


Here's the real Florida.





Had the grandkids today for a few hours.  They are such a joy.  Thought you'd enjoy seeing an update.  Landon looks so HUGE next to them.
Thought their dresses were kinda cute the way I captured their pics.  Morgan on the left has "Sweet and Delic" and Emma on the right has "Swee and -cious".  The compliment each other!  Hope they do that throughout their lives!  What a neat thing to have a shadow watching over and protecting you.  Wish I were a twin!
Love to all...Sue








I conducted an interesting tour for our local historical society yesterday.


Here's the complete presentation with a lot of pictures if you are interested.










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