Flag Day, 2009



Benjamin Franklin hoists the flag before the town Energy Expo (Raf's Eagle Flag comes in handy when I need one.)


Joanne ran an exhibit with Ole Ben at the Fair

The Annual Road Race that I missed after not feeling well. Here are the 5 year olds.


Mary near our pachysandra that are really filling in now after 6 years because of all this rain.


Ada and Casey


Kaarin and Todd ready to take Ada and Casey home.  We were so pleased Kaarin called Florence right after the births.





Big Bro Lucas with his sisters.


At Raf and Julie's:  Jianna, Skye and Jay diligently brush their teeth.


Jim's vegetables ready for harvest.


Yes he has two gardens per my challenge last week.


And a new walkway down to the zoo trail.



PS When I bought my wig in the shop, they almost didn't believe me implying:

You don't need an excuse about dressing up like Franklin.

If you want to put on a lady's head piece, go right ahead!"


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