April 13, 2008



We are excited to see the Pope on Sunday with cousin Liza and my sister Joanne.

Here's what the Yankee Stadium stage will look like.

Greetings Mary & Peter !

      Thank you for the impressive photos of Yankee Stadium.
      If you actually attend, can we hope to see some with
      photos of the Pope ?  
       Let us not forget that (our) Family
  hosted Pope Benedict XIII during his reign from
       1724 - 1730.  During the preceding interval 1686 - 1724
       he had been Bishop of Benevento.  He used to go to our ancestors
 on retreat during all those years.  For almost
       40 years in BN he had become affectionately known as
       "Papa Orsini."   To this day the people of BN honor him
        with the"Piazza Orsini" which is located adjacent to their
        cathedral.  We have a rich family history !  Gratitude !
        Prayers and Love,   Auntie Rose

Liza says video is prohibited, but I should get some nice still shots.



I mentioned to our church group going to Amsterdam that they should visit the Ark



Hiroshima / Nagasaki in 1945

And today







Here's a useful backhoe competing with today's hydraulic excavators:

Thanks for these pictures Jim.




And simply unload the train!


Now let's see it get back down!



Here's the house I just finished working on for a septic system analysis.


Nice indoor pool.


Subject: French Countryside on a Sunday walk in Normandy



At first I wouldn't post this, but after reading Dr. Laura's new book, I just couldn't resist:

One day, long, long ago, there was this woman who surprisingly,
did not whine, nag or bitch.........


But it was a long time ago.....
...and it was just the ONE day.
The End







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