March 29, 2015

Hey Uncle Pete!

Saw this and thought you might like to share on best emails - pretty cool.

Looking forward to seeing you next weekend for Easter!





Who says Global Warming work is not fun??


Studied by the world's best scientists, many of the famous Grantologists are from these places:

Sort of makes me proud for getting one of 3 A's in a class of 25 to start my Master of Science in Engineering at Columbia all those years ago! Meanwhile, cnn money shows:

Only 40% of middle-class college entrants who were high school seniors in 2004 had secured bachelor's degrees by 2012, according to the Department of Education.





Now that is a Birthday Cake.  m'm good!


Everyone must adhere to this, if they want to follow the original patent from 1891.

everyone but me, set in my old ways.




Don't worry. It won't cost him. The insurance will handle it.(sarc)



Can we make one of these to be a hovering Bat,

to promote our Halloween Frankenstein and Dracula plays?



Spring Cleaning Time


 Some new Puns here that maybe you have not yet red??



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