March 20, 2015

I have enjoyed Gordon Dioxide's Children's Stories on line and in print.

Because there are a limited number of his stories, I have written one myself.

Skye read it beautifully, and so I am dedicating it to her.    

Do you agree it is in Dioxide's style?  

Can you help me edit it, by making it funny?        Skye also wrote the story below it.     











 Once upon a time there lived a sister and her brother and his brother, who was also his sister's brother. The brother, the sister and the other brother lived with two grown up persons called their pop and their mother.
The house in which the brother, pop, other brother, sis and mother lived in had everything.
Televisions, laptops, tablets and even electric hand held mobile telephone answering and sending out calls and emails and video devices, plus surfing the web.

One day the other brother noticed that the wood mouldings around all the doors and windows had disappeared.  
There were drafty cracks letting snow inside.
The sister tried not to hurt her back, shoveling the snow into the bathtub.  The wheel barrel really helped.
One other day the brother of the other brother cried: "I really loved our old mouldings.  I miss them dearly."  Pop reminded him that when they all went to Grandma's house for Thanksgiving, that another family, with no mouldings, left them a note about borrowing their mouldings.
Because it was now 1000 days since then, the daughter of the mother and pop exclaimed: "Let's make new mouldings out of leftover spaghetti." But mother reminded everyone that there was never any leftover spaghetti.  
Instead, they unanimously decided: "Let's make mouldings out of marshmallows and ice cream."
Then they realized the ice cream would melt, if the snow stopped snowing on the carpets. So they focused like a laser on marshmallow mouldings with s'mores corners.
Mother got out the jig saw, hack saw, chain saw, coping saw, skill saw, hand saw, rick shaw and a chisel.
Like busy beaver bees, the five of them worked night and day, day and night, except the second brother left for a week, to provide continuing education in shop for Santa's elves, so they could keep their carpenter licenses.
When he returned from the North Pole, he was absolutely shocked to see the basement workshop.
It had disappeared again, because of the same amazing family who needed the mouldings.  They left another "borrow" note.
Without a basement, the house sank into the soil, and this mostly solved the snow problem, but the views from the windows all looked the same, like brown ground.
On Wednesday, the other family drove by and threw the basement and the mouldings on the front lawn, without even so much as a "Thank You Ma'am".
But sister mixed up and glued the basement concrete to the windows, and glued the mouldings underneath the house.  The mouldings were not strong enough to hold up all the weight from all the black video screens, but did eventually hold up all the weight from all the black video screens.  Lo and behold, the wood and marshmallow mouldings (but not the s'mores that got ate) became their new basement cellar, sort of like a ginger bread house.
The end.


Questions to see if you were reading carefully:


1. Did all the snow drain down the bath tub drain, or not?
2. Did the family also go to Grandma's for Halloween?
3. Did the Graham Crackers on the s'mores fool anyone into thinking they were real wood?
4. Does Santa need continuing education to keep his reindeer driver's license?
5. What did the other brother play on his black screen tablet?




Once upon a time there lived a sister, another sister, a brother, a mom and the mom's boyfriend Mike.

The first sister's name is Skye. The second sister's name is Jianna. The brother's name is Jamyson.

There is a mom and her name is Julie.  They live in an apartment.

Sometimes they go to nanas house on the weekends.

One day the two sisters were playing with their toys together, and their brother was watching minecraft. Mom and Mike were in the bedroom watching tv.

Then the internet connection didn't work. So Mike and Mommy got disconnected from netflix

Jay got disconnected from youtube.

Then the internet comes back on.  But the two sisters didn't mind.

Then mommy made dinner at 5 o'clock. She made pasta, chicken, potatoes and corn.

It was so yummy.

And then it was six o'clock. 

Skye and Jay played on their ipod 5.

And they played balloons td 5.

And they played together for an hour.

Then it was seven o'clock and Jay and Jianna played on their electronics

Jianna played on the kindle fire hd

Jay played on his ipod 5.

They played bloons td battle.

It was 8 o'clock. Skye played with her stuff

Jianna with her stuff

Jay on his ipod 5.

They played with their stuff until 10 o'clock until they went to bed.

Mommy and Mike watched netflix, until they went to bed a few hours later.

The end.


Questions to see if you were listening:

1. What time was the kids bed time?

2. Who played with jay first?

3. When did mommy and mike go to bed?

4. Where did they live?

5. What did Mommy and Mike watch netflix on?







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