Best E-mails of the Week 3/13/05.  




We are so thrilled that Brad has returned home after a year in Iraq.

Welcome back Hero!

Anita, Alexander and all of us are proud of you!

May your veteran lifestyle be a source of happiness for the three of you.


Here is Alexander's second cousin Landon ready to serve some day too!





And here's what his mom reports:

Hi to all!

Just wanted to let everyone that the end is in sight!!! I will be induced on Saturday, March 26th. I could not be more ready or more thrilled! Everything looks great right now, they are both head down and we are hoping they are 5.5 lbs each. I still have 2 Dr. appts. before then so if anything changes I'll let you all know. Otherwise, look for pics this weekend! Please pray everything goes well! Pic of Landon at almost 4 Years old. This is a favorite of mine! He is ready to see these babies!

Will talk later,

Love you all!






>~ "How to Write Big Books" by Warren Peace


>~ "The Lion Attacked" by Claude Yarmoff


>~ "The Art of Archery" by Beau N. Arrow


>~ "Songs for Children" by Barbara Blacksheep


>~ "Irish Heart Surgery" by Angie O'Plasty


>~ "Desert Crossing" by I. Rhoda Camel


>~ "School Truancy" by Marcus Absent


>~ "I Was a Cloakroom Attendant" by Mahatma Coate


>~ "I Lost My Balance" by Eileen Dover and Phil Down


>~ "The Philippine Post Office" by Imelda Letter


>~ "Things to Do at a Party" by Bob Frapples



Try this out…

It's called Walk the drunk home:

 Is it Dutch?






When Computer Graphic artists get bored:











Do we have a drug problem?








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