Best E-mails of the Week March 12, 2006







  Spring is right around the corner!







Dad was honored for his 50 years in the Knights of Columbus


Here he is leaving the house with Mom, Uncle Justin and Aunt Lorraine.





At the reception with Mom







Aunt Marion, Roger and Ann




Mary and Dad with the flash finally going off!













Thanks for the tip on doubling your exercise by


working out with roller blades and the tread mill at the same time!


Seems easy enough for me!











I've been studying Fung Shui.


I removed a lot of clutter from the house.

Mary and I have rearranged some furniture,


and I added plans chimes and mirrors.


Here's an interesting web site on interiors:


Possibly computer graphics only, but possibly not.












Remember the sand art video from last year?

Here's another:  (Sound on.)


(Wait for 5 megs download. Activated by mouse over image)




















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