February 6, 2011




Our driveway at the road.


Which Super Bowl Commercial matches this one?



Watch full screen

I have NEVER seen a 3D commercial in HD before on a PC.
This Japanese Beer commercials is incredible, detailed w/fantasi Seriously, this Japanese beer ad is like watching an adventure movie. CLICK BELOW TO VIEW-TURN UP SOUND
YouTube - Sapporo Beer Commercial - Legendary Biru




Back to snow,

If you think a little snow isn't bad, try a "Whole-lot of SNOW!"
    That's what North Dakota has....






Ever  want to travel around the world from the comfort
  of your computer? This slide show will transport you
  to 35 different places on our planet. The photos were
  taken by one man...from an airplane! Enjoy!

Click here: Earth from Above a collection of aerial photography... - justpaste.it



Pete, this is great!  Very entertaining....






So is this:

Check out Paul Zerdin, ventriloquist without a dummy.
Paul Zerdin, ventriloquist without a dummy - The dummy, an indispensable ventriloquis...




Last week's Honda ride was neat, but this looks like more fun:






Speaking of last week and the number's game, my email to Lou:

I did it within 75 seconds on the 5th try.

Lou's reply:

59 third try  then a 64 then  a 60 

Dang, I gotta get me some readin glasses! Anybody top that?





The right way to present a new car.... 

Cadillac did it right in China.   







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